

Syndication: the state or fact of being published simultaneously, or supplied for simultaneous publication, in a number of newspapers or other periodicals:


RSS is one of many attempts to create a web syndication format. It allows publishers of web content like blogs, news sites and podcasts to share updates to their content with users (using feed readers) and even other sites (such as aggregators).

An RSS feed is basically an XML-formatted document,, and it's pretty much human-readable. Check a portion of this site's RSS feed below:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <rss version="2.0">
   <title>nanaadane's wiki</title>
   <description>this is my small corner of the universe</description>
   <copyright>2022 Nana Adane All rights reserved</copyright>
   <lastBuildDate>Thu Jun 02 2022 06:52:51 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)</lastBuildDate>
   <pubDate>Thu Jun 02 2022 06:52:51 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)</pubDate>
     <description>really simple syndication or rdf site summary</description>
     <author>Nana Adane</author>
     <guid isPermaLink="false">10</guid>
     <pubDate>Thu Jun 02 2022 06:05:21 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)</pubDate>


As seen in the above example, RSS comes in different format versions. The common list of formats that most clients and parsers support are as follows (each with their own peculiarities):

There are other non-RSS feed formats like Atom and JSON Feed which are also used on some sites.

Atom is a popular alternative to using RSS v2.0 because it's less ambiguous:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <feed xmlns="">
 	<link rel="alternate" href="HOMEPAGE_URL"/>
 	<link href="FEED_URL" rel="self"/>
 	<updated>{{LAST_UPDATE_TIME in RFC3339 format}}</updated>
 		<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="{{ENTRY.HTML_URL}}"/>
 		<published>{{ENTRY.FIRST_POST_TIME in RFC3339 format}}</published>
 		<updated>{{ENTRY.LAST_UPDATE_TIME in RFC3339 format}}</updated>
 		<content type="html">{{ENTRY.HTML}}</content>


The W3 specification for RSS v2.0 defines the structure of a document and provides descriptions for the various fields in a document.

Best Practices

When building your own feed or feed generator (like the one in use for this site) the specification comes in very handy. As with many things, however, there are a some best practice to follow:

A more detailed list of best practices can be found here

external sources
  1. Syndication:
  2. this site's RSS feed:
  3. parsers:
  4. Atom:
  5. JSON Feed:
  6. W3 specification for RSS v2.0:
  7. here: