
In the beginning..

A taste of blogging

So here I am in the middle of the night creating my first statically generated blog. I never got a hang of blogging (before this]. I tried using many platforms. Blogger, Tumblr (I must admit my Tumblr blog loooked the coolest], Wordpress and even Medium but they never allowed me to type in Vim as I am now :p. Basically what I did here was to get Hexo installed, figured out how to get themes for it and finally how to write post and deploy.

Why am I blogging NOW?

Well I don't know really. I learn a lot these days. I grew up an introvert in a country where most people spoke their minds in private not as I'm doing where everyone in the world can see. Still trying to figure all this stuff out. However, I want to build crazy and amazing stuff. I've also decided that a blog would be the best place to document all the crazy stuff I'd like to try. Now to figure out which mark down editor to use. If you're interested in using Hexo click this


I figured it would be cool to just use Sublime Text 3 and use these two plugins for Markdown editting:

A good tutorial can be found here try it out!

Happy Coding

external sources
  1. Blogger:
  2. Tumblr:
  3. Vim:
  4. Hexo:
  5. this:
  6. MarkdownEditing:
  7. Markdown Preview:
  8. here: